Basic Steps of Custom Software Development Process
What are the basic steps that custom software development company follows?
To have a successful custom software development, whether you're about to create new software or update an existing one, learning the basics together with a qualified software manager can make your tasks done efficiently.

Steps in the Software Development Process :

Once a qualified project manager has been chosen, this will move us into the next phase :

Gathering data
Knowing the client's exact needs can help the project manager determine the necessary data, this includes who will use the product, specific information, and the client's special requirements. It can also help the project manager determine the feasibility of the project and if the company can provide the software the client expects.

Once the data has been gathered, the project manager needs to review and discuss it together with the project team to define each outlined requirement and give more planning details. It is also important for the project team to know the business' operations and user documents for them to pinpoint the features and specifications that are appropriate for the product.

The project team must also consider the software development process and the software development methodologies based on what is the best option for the industry. It is also advised to use a standard template and having an activity log shared in the document repository.

This is where the requirements will be put together that includes the business rules, graphical user interface (GUI), color schemes, frameworks, mobile aspects, supported browsers, and many more. Making sure that the design document meets the client's specific requirements.

This phase involves the translation of the design document into a software application. The operations team will take charge of the physical hardware, developers will start working with the codes, the designers will continue planning the user interface, and the testers start to analyse the requirements and develop test cases for the next phase.

This step is where the test cases take place in the software. A list of software specifications and features is also made in this phase. Some require sub-stages, while some companies let the software go through quality assurance and staging. Bugs detected are immediately fixed, and enhancements suggested for the future upgrade of the software is included in this phase.

Setting up the links and databases for real users are included in this phase. It is also where the operations team will install and configure the software to the client's system. This phase can also be considered as the last phase of software testing to see if the client's expectations of the software have been met.

This phase may include the discovery of new bugs. Users may email the support team with the problems or issues they encounter in using the software, get it resolved, and do another deployment to production with issues fixed.

Without a custom software development phase to follow, developers can have a free hand of developing software. On the other hand, the following phases will guarantee everything is laid out. Businesses will have a clear idea of what will happen and what is expected from the software.

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